Fy Nuw 'rwy'n llefain tithau heb

1,2,3,4,5 - 6,7,8,9,10;  1,8,9.
SALM XXII. Rhan I - Adnodau 2,3,4,5,10.
[2] Fy Nuw, 'rwy'n llefain - tithau heb
  Roi im' mo'r atteb etto;
Bob dydd a nos mae 'nghri'n ddi-ffael,
  A heb gael mo'm dyhuddo.

[3] A thi wyt Sanct, Sanct i barhau,
  Lle daw gweddïau'n wastad;
A holl dŷ Isräel a'u clod,
  A'u pwys a'u hystod attad.

[4] Ynot gobeithiai'n tadau ni,
  A thydi oedd eu bwcled:
Ymddiried ynot, Arglwydd hael,
  Ac felly cael ymwared.

[5] Llefasant drwy ymddiried gynt,
  Da fuost iddynt, Arglwydd:
Eu hachub hwynt a wnaethost ti,
  Rhag cyni, a rhag gw'radwydd.

[10] Arnat ti bwriwyd fi o'r bru,
  Arnat ti bu f'ymddiried;
Fy Nuw wyt ti o groth fy mam,
  Ffyddiais it am fy ngwared.
Rhan II - Adnodau 11,19,22,27,30.
[11] Oddi wrthyf fi yn bell na ddos,
  Tra fo yn agos flinder,
I'm cymhorth i, gan nad oes neb
  A drotho ei wyneb tyner.

[19] Tithau fy nerth, a'm Harglwydd da,
  Nac ymbellhâ oddi wrthyf;
O! brysia, tydi yw fy mhorth,
  A thyr'd â chymmhorth heinyf.

[22] Mynegaf finnau d'enw'n bur
  I'm brodyr yn yr orsedd,
Lle mwya'r gynnulleidfa lân,
  Dy glod a wna'n gyfannedd.

[27] Trigolion byd a dro'nt yn rhwydd
  At yr Arglwydd, pan gofiant:
A holl dylwythau'r ddaear hon
  Ddont ger ei fron - ymgrymant.

[30] Y rhai'n a'u hâd oll yn un fryd,
  Gwnant iddo gyd wasanaeth;
A'r rhai'n i'r Arglwydd drwy'r holl dir
  A rifir yn genhedlaeth.
EP Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Persia (<1829)

  Oddi wrthyf fi yn bell na ddos
  Trigolion byd a drônt yn rhwydd
  Ynot gobeithiai'n tadau ni

PSALM 22. Part 1 - Verses 2,3,4,5,10.
[2] My God, I am crying out - without thee
  Giving me any answer yet;
Every day and night my cry is unfailing,
  And without getting any consolation.

[3] Yet thou art Holy, Holy to endure,
  Where prayers come constantly;
And all the house of Israel and their praise,
  And their leaning and their lifetime to thee.

[4] In thee our fathers used to hope,
  And thou wast their buckler:
They trusted in thee, generous Lord,
  And thus got deliverance.

[5] They cried out through trust formerly,
  Good thou wast to them, Lord:
Save them thou didst,
  From distress, and from reproach.

[10] Upon thee I was cast from the uterus,
  On thee was my trust;
My God art thou from my mother's womb,
  I have trusted in thee to deliver me.
Part II - Verses 11,19,22,27,30.
[11] From me do not go far,
  While ever affliction be near,
To help me, since there is no-one
  Who will turn his tender face.

[19] Thou my strength, and my good Lord,
  Do not distance thyself from me;
Oh hurry, it is thou who art my help,
  And bring help briskly.

[22] I will express thy pure name
  To my brothers in the assembly,
Where the greatest of the holy congregation,
  Thy praise make inhabitable.

[27] Residents of the world will turn freely
  To the Lord, when they remember:
And all the tribes of this earth
  Will come before thee - they will bow down.

[30] Some with their seed all in one mind,
  They will perform such service to him;
And some to the Lord through the whole land
  Are to be counted as a generation.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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